[모집] ✱ 온라인 서포터즈 모집 공고 ✱
✱ 모집 기간 : 3월 5일(수) ~ 3월 17일(월)
✱ 합격자 발표 : 3월 19일(수)
✱ 오리엔테이션 : 3월 21일(금) (줌 온라인)
✱ 활동 기간 : 3월 24일(월) - 4월 30일(수)
✱ 지원 링크: https://lrl.kr/UvYa BISFF
온라인 서포터즈 숏포터즈 많은 신청 바랍니다!
Online Supporters
2024 BISFF 3rd Online Supporters Recruitment.
We are recruiting the 3rd BISFF Online Supporters to promote the 41st Busan International Short Film Festival in 2024.
✱ Recruitment period: March 5th (Wed) ~ March 17th (Mon)
✱ Announcement of successful applicants: March 19th (Wed)
✱ Orientation: March 21th (Fri) (Online via Zoom)
✱ Working period: March 24th (Mon) – April 30th (Wed)
✱ Application link: https://lrl.kr/UvXE
We look forward to many BISFF Online Supporters applicants~