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Submissions to the 2019 Busan International Short Film Festival are now open with Shortfilmdepot and Festhome. Please read the Regulations carefully before you begin the submission process,


1. Organization

The Busan International Short Film Festival (hereinafter “BISFF”) is hosted by Busan International Short Film Festival Organizing Committee and organized by Busan International Short Film Festival Executive Committee.

2. Goals

The purpose of BISFF is to discover and introduce outstanding short films directed around the world. Moreover, BISFF aims to bring the world’s latest and hidden gem-like shorts in the spotlight.

3. Festival Date and Place

The 36thBusan International Short Film Festival will be held from April 24th to 29th April 2019 in Busan, Korea.

4. Awards

- Grand Prix for Best Picture - 10,000,000KRW (approx.8,800 USD) and trophy

- Excellence Award for Best Picture - 5,000,000KRW (approx.4,400 USD) and trophy

- Jury Prize ? 2,000,000KRW (approx.1,700 USD) and trophy

-NEPAC Award - a prize and trophy (for an Asian film from either International or Korea Competitions)

Grand Prix for Best Picture will be eligible for consideration in the Animated Short Film/Live Action Short Film category of the Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the movies comply with the Academy rules.

Other prizes will be announced. Detailsmay be subject to change.

5. Submission Guidelines

[ Entry Requirements ]

- Films completed after January 1st, 2018

- Maximum running time: 30 minutes


- Any type of film (Fiction, Animation, Documentary, Experimental)

Ending credits should be included in the running time.

Korean Premiere is not required.

There is no limitation to the number of films for the submission.

[ Submission Deadline ]

October 1st, 2018 ~ January 3rd, 2019

If the entrant does not submit the entry form and the preview copy (online screener) within the due date, the entry will be canceled.

[ Entry Procedure ]

Applications must be submitted via a submission platform and the preview copy (online screener) must be uploaded.

Online registration at Festhome (https://festhome.com/)

Shortfilmdepot (https://www.shortfilmdepot.com/ )

The following materials must be attached to the online submission:


- 1 film poster

- 3 still images from the film

- 1 photo of the director(s)

- 1 uploaded video file of the film

* If you don’t have a film poster,

you can attach a still from the film.


- 1 still image from the film

- 1 photo of the director(s)

- 1 uploaded video file of the film

All non-English speaking films must have English subtitles.

Each entry must indicate the record of previous festival screenings and awards.

6. Selection

1) The films for the International Competition Section will be selected by the festival program team and the preliminary jury.

2) The list of selected films will be notified onFebruary 21st, 2019 on the festival website www.bisff.org; entrants will be notified individually as well.

3) Once a film has been selected, it cannot be withdrawn from the selected program; all rights and responsibility are under the entrants to screen at BISFF 2019.

4) The program team may select films for BISFF 2019’s non-competitive sections.

7. Publication authorization

1) Excerpts from the submitted films which are selected as finalists can be used for the festival publicity. The total duration of the film excerpts (EPK clips) is within 2 minutes.

2) All submitted documents and materials can be used to publish on the BISFF 2019 catalogue and website.

8. Screening Copies

1) The screening format should be DCP or MOV (ProRes 422). Non-English films must have English subtitles. ( In case of other screening formats, only under the agreement between entrants and the BISFF, screening is exceptionally possible.)

2) All the screening copies of the films must arrive at the BISFF office no later than March 15th, 2019 (BISFF will not pay for the delivery). When you send materials by post, please make sure to mark all materials: NO COMMERCIAL VALUE-FOR CULTURAL PURPOSE ONLY

3) All the screening copies of films will be returned to the address which is indicated on the entry form within 4 weeks after the Festival (BISFF will pay for the return courier).

9. Archive

1) The films will be archived in the form of DCP and MOV (ProRes 422) with the consent of the copyright holders in order to screen the films for non-profit purposes after the festival.

2) If the copyright holders do not agree, BISFF will not keep the film in its archive.

10. Screening after BISFF

1) BISFF has a right to have additional screenings of the finalists and awarded films only within film events hosted by BISFF. In this case, BISFF will get permission from the copyright holders in advance.

2) Under the distribution agency agreement with the copyright holders, BISFF may distribute the films through online media after the festival.

11. Agreement

It is assumed that regulations are in force once the copyright holders (directors, film distributors, agents or producers) submit their entry formsvia the online platforms.

12. Others

1) Entrants must resolve all the copyrights related to the screening, and have entire responsibility for any copyright issues that may occur. Also, ifa dispute ariseswith an awarded film due to unresolved copyright issues, the festival has the right to cancel the award.

2) The festival reserves all rights to decide upon matters under the agreement with the entrants which are not discussed in the above regulations.


Contact: Busan International Short Film Festival Program Team

program@bisff.org | +82-51-714-1223 | www.bisff.org


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