사이트 내 전체검색

International Competition 8

Sentimental Stories

Germany│2023│Fiction│15'53"│DCP│Color│Asian Premiere

An almost deserted diner in the middle of the port. The owner, Violeta, dreams of a life that could have been different. She employs her niece, Maria, a radical passivist who steers away from any drive or ambition. Between chores and cigarette breaks they fantasize about the future. As the day unfolds, they are the witnesses of one love story dying out while another is trying to be born.


Xandra Popescu


Producer│Janna Fodor
Script│Xandra Popescu
Cinematographer│Jonathan Steil
Editor│Lorna Hoefler Steffen
Sound│Florentin Tudor
Cast│Marie Tragousti, Artemis Chalkidou, Grego Belau, Estelle Widmaier, Leo da Silva

Contact Anna Zaluska


2024-04-26 Cinema Ⅰ 20:00 International Competition 8
2024-04-29 Cinema Ⅱ 17:00 International Competition 8
