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The 37th BISFF Postponement Notice


The 37th Busan International Short Film Festival

Postponement Notice

Thank you for your continued support of Busan International Short Film Festival (BISFF).

2020 BISFF was scheduled to be held for 6 days between April 22 and 27,

 but it is now postponed at the end of August due to the influence of the Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19).

With COVID-19 infection level raised to very high, many international events are being cancelled.

Every year, BISFF attracts over 10,000 visitors and participants, including a large number of overseas guests.

Our decision to postpone BISFF this year is to ensure everyone’s safety and to prevent further spread of COVID-19.


We will announce an exact schedule of the festival later.

All of the 160 films currently in preparation, including the competition selection announced on February 26,

will be screened during the newly scheduled festival.

Regarding volunteers, we will recruit volunteers at a future date rather than continuing the present recruitment.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will take special caution planning for specific film festival areas that draw more people.

For more details regarding these changes, please check our official webpage and SNS channels.

Thank you.

March 11, 2020

Busan International Short Film Festival

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