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[Guest Country Spain] Film List


Spanish Panorama

Panorama shows literally Spain short film at a look. We collect characteristic eight films made from 2003 to 2012. Let me introduce eight panorama sections.

Film List

1. 7:35 in the Morning / Nacho VIGALONDO

2. One Too Many / Borja COBEAGA

3. Inertial Love / Cesar Esteban Alenda, Jose Esteban Alenda

4. The Wedding / Marina SERESESKY

5. A Story for the Modlins / Serigo OKSMAN

6. Pieces / Xacio RODRIGUEZ BANO

7. The Lady and the Reaper / Javier Recio GRACIA

8. All animals always die / Pablo Vijande MENENDEZ

Spanish Horror

Often referred to as “Horror’s Hidden Treasure,” SPAIN offers movies covered with blood.
I recommend movies to people who want to test his/her magnanimity and courage.
Let me introduce six horror sections !!!!

Film List

1. Eslabon / Miguel VELILLA

2. Legend / Pau TEIXIDOR

3. The Farm / Ignacio LASIERRA

4. Brutal Relax / Adrian Cardona, Rafa DENGRA, David Munoz

5. Maquina / Gabe IBANEZ

6. Mama / Andy MUSCHIETTI

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