사이트 내 전체검색



BISFF 2019 - Winners of Korean Competition


Winners of Korean Competition

General Statement of Korean Competition

We are more than honored to be here and to have witnessed a great selection of Korean short films that diverse, from each generation and age groups. We want to thank the program team and their pre-selection jury for showcasing strong

 programs among the numerous shorts that they have received. We are much looking forward to meet all of the Korean filmmakers. We are thrilled to have discovered your films and cannot wait to discuss your creative process after the





Grand Prix

Observation and Memory / Lee Somyi

With this highly intimate trauma, the filmmaker is using a hybrid and creative language that blurs the line between reality and memory. We are impressed by the courageous use of daring form and content.



Excellence Award

Alright / Kim Hyojun

With this film, the director is showing everyday life through the main character who carries the burden of her family on her shoulders and questions her own perspective.



Jury Award

Peach / Sim Sugyeong

We want to award a film that subtlety addresses the issues of grieving and memory, allowing the viewers to breathe and build their own tale around the storyline.



Best Acting Award

Alright / Joo Yeji (Actor)

By her performance, the actress is showing a wonderful range of well-mastered emotions in a very balanced and subtle way, playing a character stuck between herself, her family and the society.

Audience Award

Yuwol: The Boy Who Made the World Dance / BEFF

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